Wednesday 1 June 2011

Azerbaijan 2011

The Azerbaijani national final for the ESC 2011 was held at the Akhundov Azerbaijan State Acedemic Opera & Ballet Theatre in Baku. Before the final there was a semi-final and 7 quarter-finals. The final was solely to select the singer to represent Azerbaijan at the ESC. The winners, Nigar Camal and Eldar Qasimov were chosen by an "expert" jury who decided to send a duet to the ESC. After the singers were known the song was chosen by an internal committee. They chose for Running Scared which won the ESC 2011.

Nigar Jamal was born on September 1, 1980 and is an Azerbaijani singer who's currently living in London. She studied economics and management and graduated in 2001. Eldar was born on June 4, 1989, is anAzerbaijani singer and the great-grandson of a very famous actor couple. He studied music and piano.


  1. allthough i don't like the way the azeri choose their entries and they always get overrated by both juries, it finally paid off.

  2. I like the song,and don't mind that it won,but there were about 10 songs in this years contest that I liked more.
